Gift Guide: "A Sentimental Season"

Gift Guide: A Sentimental Season - Essentialgifting


A Sentimental Season, Essentialgifting

Guest Blogger:  Michelle Blan

Can you believe that the end of 2020 is right around the corner? When this year started, we never could have imagined that lockdowns, quarantines, or wearing a mask to buy groceries would be considered normal! Combine these changes with the chaos in our political system, social unrest, an intensely active
hurricane season, and massive fires – and it seems like Hollywood hired some of the best writers to fill the year.  None of it seems real.

While you are surely ready to move on into next year with a wish for peace and normalcy, be still for a moment, will you? Set your New Year hats, streamers, and overflowing glasses of bubbly aside and remind yourself that the best part of 2020 is yet to come. You know, the holidays that fill our hearts with warmth and joy.  We’re about to see a shimmer and a shine that has been missing all year. 

Besides, we must come together (socially distanced, of course) and find some sentiment in all that has been consuming our lives. If anything, this year has made us more appreciative of life, love, and freedom. It is not unheard of that our lives must be turned upside down for them to be made whole again. And maybe that is just what 2020 had in store for us.

Show your appreciation.

Thanksgiving is always a great time to show your gratitude. Sure, you appreciate your loved ones – your family and friends. But ponder how life has changed. You are going to want to think outside the box on this one.

Essential workers. Nurses, doctors, police officers, EMTs, firefighters, grocery store clerks – and everyone else on the frontlines this year – risked their lives to save and protect ours.  Let’s show them some appreciation!   Teachers. Teachers worldwide had to learn how to run a classroom solely from a computer screen. Yet, despite the challenge, lessons were taught without skipping a beat. Let’s show them some appreciation!   

Delivery drivers. When restaurants and stores closed or were too hesitant to venture out, we could rest easy knowing that delivery drivers would bring us what we needed. Let’s show them some appreciation!  Hairdressers and barbers. I know we have all seen those questionably attempted home haircuts during the lockdown. Let’s show them some appreciation!

It is so easy to take for granted the things we have always accessed so easily. This year has taught us to appreciate those things – and appreciate those who are willing to put their lives in danger to make our lives a bit more manageable.

They do it because it is their job.
They do it because it is their passion.
They do it because it is the right thing to do.
Don’t let them go unnoticed.
Honor important symbols of tradition and faith

If you are like most people, spending time with loved ones has been sparse this year. With drive-by birthday parties and virtual graduations, our normal traditions have had to adapt. A worldwide pandemic and more may have changed life in 2020, but we need to hold on to our faith and honor our traditions. We need these more than ever right now – especially this time of year.

Special ornaments.

Some families have a tradition of getting a new ornament for each passing year. You know, something that symbolizes it. Does your family do this? If so, why not spark some joy in the hearts of your loved ones by sending a special gift – with a special ornament?  Even if annual ornaments are not a family tradition, this could be the year you start. 

After all, it is the year that we have learned to cherish so many more aspects of life than we did just a
year ago. 

Nativity scenes.

In tough times, our faith helps us stay strong and focused. It is the rock that we need to keep light in our lives rather than succumb to darkness. At this time of year, nativity scenes are
all around. And for good reason – it is the very reason we celebrate Christmas!
Let’s no longer take it for granted.  Instead, let us make the nativity scene the main symbol of our holiday season. Doesn’t that sound like the best way to close out a rough year – with our rock front and center?  A reminder of who is always in control – even when the world around us seems like it is spiraling out of

Handwritten notes.

Thanks to email and social media, the idea of the handwritten note has long disappeared. But doesn’t the thought of receiving a handwritten note from a loved one make you feel warm and cozy? Absolutely! And, you know what? You could give that, too. Beautiful stationery and matching envelopes are the perfect way to let your friends and family know you’ve been thinking about them.

Just because one apple is wrong, you don’t dismiss the whole orchard, right? Well, just because 2020 had some rough spots, don’t write it off and dismiss its ending. Know why? Because the gratitude, love, and warmth you can spread can make all the difference in the world for those around you.

Are you up for the challenge? Let’s make it sparkle, shall we?


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