Teen Girl Surprise Swag Box


Teen Girl Surprise Swag Box

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Indulge in the ultimate surprise with our Teen Girl Surprise Swag Box!

Whether it's a Birthday Celebration, school Accomplishments, or Spending Time with Grandparents, our ultimate surprise bag, filled with a friendship bracelet, hair accessories, nail lip products, snacks, candy, and crafts, is a minor cosmetic or tote bag that keeps your remarkable tween or teen entertained and ready for on-the-go at a moment's notice.
8-10 Miscellaneous Fun Surprise Items (Number of Items may change if there are special requests that exceed pricing)
Girls: (example of contents: Accessories, Facial Cleanser, Beauty, Nail products, Bath Salts, Soap, Interactive Games/Puzzles, Word Search, Journal, Crafts, Snacks, Candy)

Personalization: In the notes field, add a few details:

  1. Age of Recipient
  2. Hobbies or Passion
  3. Food Allergy?


Personalized with love.

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Total price: $44.75$48.00

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