Personalized Lifestyle Gift Box


Personalized Lifestyle Gift Box

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Personalized: "Lifestyle Box"

Unveil the essence of thoughtful gifting with our Personalized "Lifestyle Box" from Essentialgifting. This custom gift is a harmonious blend of practicality and sentiment, making it suitable for a myriad of occasions. 🎁

Whether you are celebrating a joyous moment like a graduation or seeking solace with sympathy gifts, this box covers it all. Indulge in unique items like bath & body essentials, drinkware, grooming gifts, and more. Tailored for various recipients including moms, dads, friends, and colleagues, it is a perfect gesture to show appreciation and love.

Shop now and elevate your gifting game with Essentialgifting! 🛍️

Personalized with love.

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Total price: $79.70$82.95

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Heidi G.
Personal heaven

Best gift to myself ever