Luxurious Bath and Body Sleep Gift Set


Luxurious Bath and Body Sleep Gift Set

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Pamper Yourself with the Bath & Body Sleep Gift Set 🛁

Treat yourself or a loved one to the ultimate relaxation experience with our luxurious Bath & Body Sleep Gift Set. Created by Essentialgifting, this set is perfect for those seeking tranquility and rejuvenation.

What's Included:

  • Lavender-infused Bath Salts
  • Calming Chamomile Body Lotion
  • Sleep-Inducing Aromatherapy Candle
  • Herbal Tea Blend for Relaxation

Unwind after a long day by soaking in a fragrant lavender bath, followed by a nourishing chamomile body lotion. Light the aromatherapy candle to set a peaceful ambiance and sip on the herbal tea blend to promote a restful night's sleep.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to indulge in self-care and achieve a state of blissful relaxation. Treat yourself to the Bath & Body Sleep Gift Set today! ✨

Personalized with love.

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Total price: $49.70$52.95

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